We are a huge believer in the power of dark leafy greens to heal, bring balance, reduce inflammation and help to bring alkalinity to our often overly acidic bodies.
If you take away the various types of lettuce, how many servings of greens are you actually getting in a day?
... Chances are, not nearly enough.
To feel the full benefits of these dark leafy babes, we recommend eating at least 4-6 cups of them in a day. Yes, a day.
And while that may seem like a lot, you can sneak them into your daily diet in some interesting ways: like adding some to your morning smoothies, replacing lettuce with some dark leafy greens as your salad base, shred them up and add them to a soup, stir-fry or sandwich, and you can even sneak them into your baking or try out some greened-up truffles as dessert. The possibilities are endless.
BUT for those days when 4-6 cups just isn't possible, these green vibrancy shots are a great, easy way to backstop your daily intake.
Dark leafy greens like kale, swiss chard, spinach, dandelion greens or collard greens are some of the most under-consumed vegetables, and yet they are foundational for a healthy inner-microbiome which effects our mental health as well as various processes of our physical health.
So if you want to detoxify, get glowy skin, feel happier, get rid of bloat, quiet digestive issues and feel generally more vibrant, and alive, try sneaking these shots into your morning routine.
They're so easy and so delicious that you might end up drinking the whole batch.
Green Vibrancy Shots
1-2 Cups Spinach (fresh or frozen)
1-2 Cups Swiss Chard or Kale (fresh or frozen, stems or stalks okay)
1-2 Inch Piece Fresh Ginger
2 Tsp Spirulina Powder
2 Tsp Moringa Leaf Powder
1 Tbsp Adaptogenic Mushroom Powder (of your choice)
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Honey
2 Cups Plant Milk (I used Almond)
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth (roughly 1 minute or so). Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Enjoy xo